Life Kids is a place for kids to meet new friends and experience Jesus!
Our Life Kids Jr. team creates a positive church experience that introduces infants to the love of Jesus. We continue to build upon that foundation all the way through Kindergarten through engaging lessons, music and fun activities. Children learn that God made them, He loves them and that He wants to be their friend forever!
At the elementary age, children are in a season of discovering how the world works and how to interact in it. We want kids to laugh, play, learn, and connect to God’s word in a powerful way. We want to influence them to make wise choices, treat others the way they want to be treated, and know that they can trust God no matter what. We want every child to believe that they are made in the image of God and understand who God made THEM to be.
Your child’s safety is our first priority, therefore, all Life Kids volunteers have undergone a background check. We use a security tag system for child drop off, pick up and in the case we need to reach you during a service.
On your first visit, we recommend arriving a few minutes early as we will get contact information for each child joining us. This information is entered into our database to help maintain our secure check-in system.
About Us
Jr. High and High School are exciting times for students as they learn about life and discover who they are. We want to show them the life of Jesus and help them know who they are in Christ. This is a place to build friendships, engage in life and discover who Jesus is for themselves.
Sunday Mornings
As our students are preparing for adulthood we want them to be a part of service with the adults in “Big Church.” They will connect with our Campus Pastor Lane Landers and his vision for our community.
All of our students can also connect with The Life Church by serving in other ministry areas. Media, greeting and Life Kids are great areas that would love to have these awesome volunteers.
Youth Service
Our partnership with PAIS Movement has helped us bring a Youth service to The Life Church. We meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the church.