Looking For Lighthouses
As Pastor Walt reminds us, “You’re either in a storm, coming out of a storm or going into a storm.” Storms are a part of life. How we respond, however, doesn’t have to be typical of our human condition.
Thankfully, the Bible shows us many examples of people hiding in storms and brave people holding on to faith against fear. We can learn from both sides of the story knowing there is always hope for us also. Just like natural storms of the world are not a direct result of our choices, so are many of the life storms we face. The point is less about the storm itself and more about what the storm reveals in us.
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” - Matthew 5:14 NLT
If you’re in a storm then let’s look for lighthouses. These beacons of hope are found among the rocky dangerous areas of ocean sides to guide the way for others. I certainly believe you can find these lighthouses at church and possibly even in other areas of your life. Prayer, worship and the truth of God’s word is available through many resources to guide you through the storms of life. We are here for you.
If you’re not in a storm then you likely have been before. We have an opportunity to be a lighthouse that others are looking for in times of need. Sharing our experiences, whether weak or strong, are valuable lessons leading to maturity in Christ. I once heard, “Maturity is not measured by age because it’s an attitude built by experience.”
What are you called to do today?
Are you to look for the lighthouses in the midst of your storm? Searching for faith, hope and love.
Are you to be a lighthouse for someone else’s storm? To be found among the uncertain shining a steadfast light for all to see.
Strong in the Storm,
Pastor Lane Landers