No Creativity

“I am just not creative.” This is a common story that many of us have heard or even told ourselves. I believe many of us think it is true, but what if it wasn’t. What if recognizing our creativity helped us to know our Creator. What if understanding “being creative” helped us to understand the value of ourselves and others.

I was invited, and had the pleasure of speaking to high school students, by a church member this week. The topic of discussion was my art and creativity. A study once showed how much creative ability we lose as we get older, so the chance to encourage young people is an honor. I believe that every young person in that room is creative and so are you!

Part of the struggle with creativity is how we define it. Creativity is less about art and more about “solving a problem.” The love song solves a problem. The journal entry solves a problem. The painting solves. Engineering is a solution. The planting… the list can go on and on.

You were created by the creator. Created in a more creative way than the world to also be creative. The question is not whether you are creative, but whether you have discovered the creativity within yourself. Today, choose to be creative. Create a better world through love, art, words, peace, giving and so many more ways.

'So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ' Genesis 1:27

Created to Create,
Pastor Lane Landers


Looking For Lighthouses


Do You Have the Stones?