Whatcha See?
Have you ever changed your mind about something big? Decided to think differently than the long held beliefs of your culture? Learned something new that moved you out of the long formed groove of thought process onto a new path?
This is what I think about for the man known as blind Bartimaeus. We’re not sure of how long he had been blind, but he still chooses to call out to Jesus for a miracle. Despite his long lived disability he is still thinking about seeing. Believing enough to even overcome the nay sayers who are stuck in their old ways of thinking.
Having faith for miracles and life’s breakthroughs can be challenging when we need to have thoughts contrary to long held negative beliefs. I often think one of the greatest miracles God does for us is changing our mind. Renewing our mind from the way of the world to the way of Heaven.
Blind Bartimaeus changed his mind by choosing a different outcome from his circumstances. He changed his circumstance by choosing to let go of his security that could keep him there. And Jesus changed his life by giving him sight. He could see!
I believe Bartimaeus could see things spiritually that many of us struggle to see. He could already see a new outcome before Jesus restored his physical sight.
Often our greatest security in life is the way we have been formed to think.
What do you need to see?
How do you need to change your mind?
What security do you need to put down?
You Matter!
Good & Getting Better,
Pastor Lane Landers
Read the story.
Listen to the message.